Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
792 lines
PAGE ,132
name palet
; Program sets the EGA palette registers from parameters given on the command
; line.
; Release 2 of palette.asm by Charles Lazo III.
; Enhanced, debugged and recompiled by:
; Charles Lazo III [72210,10] and Tim Worley [71336,730]
; Detail of changes:
; 'E' switch now traps changes to EGA registers in all display modes
; 'T' switch added to trap changes to EGA registers in text mode only
; 'D' parameter added to return EGA registers to default values
; 'X' switch unchanged (turns off both E and T switches)
; Entire on-screen usage text rewritten.
; Current switch status is displayed each time program is called.
; Switch settings now remain in effect until changed on the command line.
; Release 2a of palette.asm by Lew Paper
; Detail of changes:
; 'B' switch now modifies the blink attribute from the starting
; intense background.
; 'B' toggles it from last time palette reset it.
; 'B+' turns on blinking.
; 'B-' turns on intense background colors.
; 'U' switch now modifies underlining from the starting OFF.
; 'U' toggles it from last time palette reset it, underlining at
; the bottom of a character.
; 'U+' turns on underlining at the bottom of a character.
; 'U-' turns off underlining.
; 'U<n>' underlines at row n, where n is decimal. For an 25 line
; display, 0 <= n <= 13. For a 43 line display, 0 <= n <= 8.
; 'F' switch now disables palet. ARCMASTER apparently changes the
; mode of an EGA, and palet's resetting makes it unusable.
; 'N' switch now enables palet again. Use it if you have disabled
; palet with an F switch and want to enable it with no changes.
; Changed octal palette values to decimal.
; All changes are controlled by the variable LP_Version_2A.
LP_Version_2A EQU 1 ; Use Version 3 changes
rt equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
of equ offset
farr equ dword ptr
IF LP_Version_2A
no_underline_row EQU 1FH ; Underline out of display range
blink_on EQU 1 ; Turn blinking on
blink_off EQU 0 ; Turn intense background on
BIOS_seg segment at 40H
org 63H
addr_6845 label word ; Port to select register for
; CRT controller
org 85H
points label word ; Height of character matrix in lines.
; 25 rows gives points = 14
; 43 rows gives points = 8
; 50 rows gives points = 7
BIOS_seg ends
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
code segment
assume cs:code
IF LP_Version_2A
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
; This line doesn't change the
; original program. In either
; case, all memory references which
; would normally use DS have a CS
; override.
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
org 100h
begin: jmp start
key1 dw 0cadeh ; key values stored in code to monitor
key2 dw 0d1bah ; TSR resident status
IF LP_Version_2A
underline_line DB no_underline_row
; Underline row
start_of_EGA_settings EQU (of underline_line)
length_of_EGA_settings EQU ((of old_int_10) - start_of_EGA_settings)
blink_value DB blink_off ; INT 10H BL value for blinking
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
set_values db 16 dup(0ffh) ; attribute values to place in palette
; old_int_10 must immediately follow last byte of set_values since its offset
; is used later to detect overflow
old_int_10 dw ?,? ; for segment and offset of old int 10h
our_call db 0 ; flag that lets us only change palette
set_palette proc near
inc es:our_call ; lets our set palette requests go thru
push bx ; save registers used
push cx
IF LP_Version_2A
push dx
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
push si
mov cx,16 ; up to 16 palette registers to set
mov si,of set_values; point to new attributes
next_attribute: mov bx,16 ; compute palette register for attribute
sub bx,cx
lodsb ; get attribute to set
cmp al,0ffh ; if ff here, then don't set
jne set_register
loop next_attribute ; set all specified palette registers
jmp short set_done ; done
set_register: mov bh,al ; attribute to bh
mov ax,1000h ; set palette register function
int 10h ; of ROM BIOS video service
loop next_attribute ; set all specified palette registers
IF LP_Version_2A
mov bl,blink_value ; Set blinking through BIOS
mov ax,1003H
int 10H
push ds ; Set underlining through direct
; hardware accesses
assume ds:BIOS_seg ; Get address of CRT Controller
mov ax,BIOS_seg
mov ds,ax
mov dx,addr_6845 ; Selector port for CRT Controller
mov al,14h ; Underline register location
out dx,al ; Select underline register
inc dx ; Data port for CRT Controller
assume ds:nothing
pop ds
mov al,underline_line
; location of the underline. Note
; that underline off has 1fh, which
; is usually too big to show
out dx,al
dec es:our_call ; disallow palette register sets
pop si ; restore registers
pop dx
ELSE ; LP_Version_2A
set_done: dec es:our_call ; disallow palette register sets
pop si ; restore registers
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
pop cx
pop bx
set_palette endp
graphics db 0 ; =1 if graphics, =0 if text
exclude db 0 ; =1 text & graphx mode changes excluded
txt_exclude db 0 ; =1 text mode changes only excluded
IF LP_Version_2A
palet_off db 0 ; =1 disable palet entirely
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
new_int_10 proc far ; routine modifies the int10h interrupt
IF LP_Version_2A
cmp palet_off,1 ; Is palet disabled?
je go_on ; Yes. Bypass it.
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
cmp ah,0 ; a mode set request?
je mode_set ; yeah, check it out
cmp ah,11h ; SPECTRUM makes this choice; it resets
; the EGA environment
je reset ; reset palette registers after the call
cmp ah,12h ; CodeView uses this call
je reset
cmp ah,10h ; is it a set palette registers call?
je func_10 ; yes, must pass our filter
go_on: jmp farr old_int_10 ; pass execution to old routine
mode_set: cmp al,3 ; an attempt to set a text mode?
jbe text_mode ; yeah, set the mode, then reset palette
cmp al,7 ; text mode 7?
je text_mode ; same
mov graphics,1 ; note the setting of a graphics mode
cmp txt_exclude,1 ; allow graphics mode palette changes?
je go_on ; yes, allow to pass without reset
jmp short reset ; else, reset palette after mode set
text_mode: mov graphics,0 ; note the setting of a text mode
reset: pushf ; simulate an interrupt
call farr old_int_10 ; and set requested text mode
sti ; interrupts ok
push ax ; our data is in current cs
push ds
push es
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
call set_palette ; reset the palette in case set by above
pop es
pop ds
pop ax
iret ; return to our caller
func_10: cmp txt_exclude,1 ; is text exclude variable set?
jne no_txt_exclude ; no, not considerable
cmp graphics,1 ; well, then is it a graphics mode?
je go_on ; yes, allow palette changes to pass
no_txt_exclude: cmp exclude,1 ; exclude other palette changes?
jne go_on ; no, let the palette change go through
cmp our_call,1 ; if it is our call let it go through,
je go_on
iret ; else do nothing
new_int_10 endp
; End of resident portion of palet
error: mov ah,9 ; let DOS send it
int 21h
mov ax,4c01h ; terminate with errorlevel 1
int 21h
wrong_DOS db rt,lf,'Wrong DOS version; must use DOS 2.0 or higher.'
db rt,lf,'$'
no_EGA db rt,lf,'You must have an EGA installed to use this '
db 'program.',rt,lf,'$'
IF LP_Version_2A
not_installed db rt,lf,'palet must be installed before you use the '
db '"F" or "N" command',rt,lf,'$'
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
; This routine is used to detect the prior load of the program as a TSR. If
; there has been no prior load, then the routine will return with the zero flag
; set. ZF will be reset if there has been a prior load and in that case the
; ES register will point to the PSP of the prior load.
TSR_detect proc near ; proc will detect a prior load as a TSR
mov cx,cs ; start at PSP and look at memory below
dec cx ; don't hang on this PSP
mov ax,20cdh ; "backwords" int 20h instruction
mov bx,key1 ; first key to test
mov dx,key2 ; second key to test
next_paragraph: mov es,cx ; address candidate PSP
cmp es:[0],ax ; make sure a PSP not some DOS buffer
je int_20_found ; found int 20h signature
loop next_paragraph ; continue till all paragraphs checked
jmp short no_load ; no prior load; indicate and return
int_20_found: cmp es:key1,bx ; match our first key?
je key1_found ; found key1; maybe key2 too?
loop next_paragraph ; continue till all paragraphs checked
jmp short no_load ; no prior load; indicate and return
key1_found: cmp es:key2,dx ; match our second key?
je prior_load ; we're already installed; exit
loop next_paragraph ; continue till all paragraphs checked
no_load: xor ax,ax ; set zero flag to indicate not now TSR
prior_load: or ax,ax ; reset zero flag to show prior load
TSR_detect endp
set_msg db rt,lf,'Switch set is $'
x_msg db 'X',rt,lf,'$'
t_msg db 'T',rt,lf,'$'
e_msg db 'E',rt,lf,'$'
IF LP_Version_2A
f_msg db 'F',rt,lf,'$'
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
tell_switch proc near ; informs user which switches are set
mov dx,of set_msg ; address switches set message
mov ah,9 ; send it with DOS function 9
int 21h
IF LP_Version_2A
mov dx,of f_msg ; prepare 'F' switch set message
cmp es:palet_off,1 ; is palet_off flag set?
jz tell_set ; yes, send 'F' switch set message
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
mov dx,of x_msg ; prepare 'X' switch set message
cmp es:exclude,1 ; is exclude flag set?
jne tell_set ; no, send 'X' switch set message
mov dx,of t_msg ; prepare 'T' set message
cmp es:txt_exclude,1; is 'T' switch set?
je tell_set ; yes, say 'T' set
mov dx,of e_msg ; else, it's just 'E' switch set
tell_set: mov ah,9 ; send it with DOS function 9
int 21h
tell_switch endp
syntax_msg db rt,lf
IF LP_Version_2A
db 'Usage: palet1 [D] d1 d2 ... d16 [B[+|-]][U[+|-|<n>]][T][E][X]',rt,lf
db 'Where d1 through d16 are 16 two-digit decimal numbers.',rt,lf
db 'Usage: palet1 [D] o1 o2 ... o16 [T][E][X]',rt,lf
db rt,lf
db 'Where o1 through o16 are 16 two-digit octal numbers.',rt,lf
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
db 'A period leaves that register unchanged.',rt,lf
db 'Optional switches:',rt,lf
db ' [D] : Returns all registers to a default value.',rt,lf
db ' [T] : Traps EGA register changes in text mode only.',rt,lf
db ' [E] : Traps EGA register changes in all display modes.',rt,lf
db ' [X] : Turns off T & E switches (allows EGA register changes).',rt,lf
IF LP_Version_2A
DB ' [F] : Disable (turn oFf) palet.',rt,lf
DB ' [N] : Enable (turn oN) palet.',rt,lf
DB ' [B] : Blinking control, default intense background.',rt,lf
DB ' [B+] turns on blinking',rt,lf
DB ' [B-] turns on intense background',rt,lf
DB ' [B] is equivalent to [B+] if intense and to [B-] if '
DB 'blinking',rt,lf
DB ' [U] : Underlining control, default no underlining.',rt,lf
DB ' [U+] turns on underlining at bottom of character',rt,lf
DB ' [U<n>] turns on underlining at row n (decimal)',rt,lf
DB ' [U-] turns off underlining',rt,lf
DB ' [U] is equivalent to [U+] if underlining is off and to [U-] '
DB 'if on',rt,lf
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
db 'Switches T, E & X remain set unless changed on the command line.',rt,lf
db 'See docs for greater detail.',rt,lf
IF LP_Version_2A
DB '$'
db 'Palet is a public domain program.',rt,lf
db rt,lf,'$'
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
set_switch db 0 ; command line requests palette set? (=0 if no)
; (not to be confused with switch_set variable)
switch_set db 0 ; note any switch sets, 1=set
; (not to be confused with set_switch variable)
IF LP_Version_2A
decimal_number proc near ; Read a 1 or 2 digit decimal number
; from [SI] (the command line) to AL
sub al,'0' ; To binary
cmp byte ptr [SI],'0'
; Check for second digit
jb decimal_number_exit
cmp byte ptr [SI],'9'
ja decimal_number_exit
shl al,1 ; 10 * AL => AH
mov ah,al
shl al,1
shl al,1
add ah,al
lodsb ; second digit => AL
; Increment SI
sub al,'0' ; To binary
add al,ah ; Number => AL
decimal_number endp
ELSE ; LP_Version_2A
digit_cnt db 0 ; number of parsed octal digits
store_num proc near ; put octal attribute into set_values
cmp digit_cnt,0 ; have we any digits to store?
je no_none ; no, not a one
cmp digit_cnt,1 ; is there only one digit?
jne two_digits ; no, convert two digit octal to hex
mov al,bh ; the one and only digit is in bh
jmp short try_store ; store attribute if able
two_digits: mov cl,3 ; a multiply by 8
shl bh,cl ; for the eights digit
add bh,bl ; add in units digit
mov al,bh ; store to set_values
try_store: cmp di,of old_int_10; if 16 attributes stored, then no more
jne store_it
ret ; (any given after 16 are ignored)
store_it: inc set_switch ; indicate a palette reg is to be set
xor bx,bx ; reinitialize
mov digit_cnt,0
no_none: ret
store_num endp
do_digit proc near ; make octal digit eights or units
cmp digit_cnt,0 ; have we a prior digit?
jne units ; yes, have done eights so do units
mov bh,al ; set eights digit into bh
inc digit_cnt ; signify eights digit obtained
units: mov bl,al ; units into bl
inc digit_cnt
call store_num ; got two digits, so store octal attrib
do_digit endp
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
IF LP_Version_2A
resident_ES DW 0 ; 0 also means palet is not yet
; resident
org 0A00H ; To give assured debug locations
; for default values, no matter what
; the future changes are:
; Default underline line - 0a00h
; Default blink value - 0a01h
; Default palette values -
; 0a02h thru 0a11h
start_of_default_settings EQU (of default_underline_line)
default_underline_line DB no_underline_row
; Start by assuming no underlining
default_blink_value DB blink_off
; Start by assuming intense background
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
deflt_vals db 0 ; default values for EGA registers
db 1 ; 0 through 15, change these values
db 2 ; to customize the default values to
db 3 ; your preference
db 4 ; any value of 0 through 63 is valid
db 5 ; this table as it comes has the
db 20 ; default (on power-up) values for
db 7 ; a Tandy 3000HL with their EGA
db 56 ; board configured for the EGM-1
db 57 ; monitor, yours may be different
db 58 ; see docs for debug patching
db 59 ; instructions
db 60 ;
db 61 ;
db 62 ;
db 63 ; end of default table
IF LP_Version_2A
; Error exit for "F" and "N" commands if palet is not installed
LOCAL is_installed
cmp resident_ES,0 ;; Is palet installed
jne is_installed ;; Yes
mov dx,of not_installed
;; Tell user it must be installed
jmp error
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
start: mov ah,30h ; find DOS version
int 21h
cmp al,2 ; must be version 2.0 or higher
jae version_ok
mov dx,of wrong_DOS ; tell user this is wrong DOS version
jmp error
version_ok: mov ah,12h ; EGA alternate select
mov bl,10h ; get EGA information
mov bh,0ffh ; shall return changed if EGA present
int 10h ; EGA ROM BIOS
cmp bh,1 ; 0 for color, 1 for monochrome
jbe EGA_here ; test concludes EGA is present
mov dx,of no_EGA ; tell that EGA is not present
jmp error
EGA_here: mov ah,15 ; get video mode
int 10h ; with call to video interrupt
cmp al,3 ; text modes 0 - 3?
jbe text ; yes, continue
cmp al,7 ; monochrome text mode?
je text ; yes, continue
mov graphics,1 ; indicate a graphics mode is in effect
IF LP_Version_2A
call TSR_detect ; Detect presence of prior load as TSR
jz start_parse ; Not here
mov resident_es,es ; Save segment of prior load
mov ax,word ptr es:underline_line
; Resident values of underline_line
; and blink_value
mov word ptr underline_line,ax
; Non-resident values of underline_line
; and blink_value match resident
mov ax,cs ; Reestablish es as non-resident
; segment
mov es,ax
mov si,80h ; reference command line parameters
text: mov si,80h ; reference command line parameters
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
mov di,of set_values; address store for palette values
IFE LP_Version_2A
xor bx,bx ; octal attribute accumulated in bx
ENDIF ; IFE LP_Version_2A
lodsb ; get command character count
cmp al,1 ; anything on command line?
jae next_value ; yes, decode it
IF LP_Version_2A
cmp resident_ES,0 ; has the program been loaded as a TSR?
call TSR_detect ; has the program been loaded as a TSR?
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
jz just_syntax ; no, just output syntax message
IF LP_Version_2A
mov es,resident_ES ; Segment of resident version
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
call tell_switch ; report switch state
just_syntax: mov dx,of syntax_msg; address syntax message
jmp error
next_value: lodsb ; get next entry from command line
cmp al,rt ; end of command?
jne an_E? ; is it the exclude command?
IFE LP_Version_2A
call store_num ; store octal num in bh:bl as attribute
ENDIF ; IFE LP_Version_2A
jmp parse_done
an_E?: mov cl,al ; process in cl
and cl,0dfh ; capitalize if letter
cmp cl,'E' ; is it an "E"?
IF LP_Version_2A
jne an_F? ; no, is it a "F"?
ELSE ; LP_Version_2A
jne a_D? ; no, is it a "D"?
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
mov exclude,1 ; set exclude flag: all modes trapped
mov txt_exclude,0 ; text exclude turned off
inc switch_set ; note that switch turned on
jmp short next_value; continue till command parsed
IF LP_Version_2A
cmp cl,'F' ; Is it an "F"?
jne an_N? ; No. Is it an "N"?
CHECK_INSTALLED ; Error exit if not installed
mov palet_off,1 ; Set disable flag
jmp short next_value
; continue until command parsed
cmp cl,'N' ; Is it an "N"?
jne a_D? ; No. Is it a "D"?
CHECK_INSTALLED ; Error exit if not installed
jmp short next_value
; Since palet iniitializes palet_off,
; the disable flag, to 0, there is
; nothing to reset. Continue until
; command parsed.
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
a_D?: cmp cl,'D' ; is it a D?
jne a_T? ; go on if not
inc set_switch ; indicate a palette reg change
push si ; save critical registers
push di
IF LP_Version_2A
mov cx,length_of_EGA_settings
mov di,start_of_EGA_settings
; Values to actually use
mov si,start_of_default_settings
mov cx,16 ; number of palette registers
mov di,of set_values; point to reg values buffer area
mov si,of deflt_vals; load address of default table
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
rep movsb ; copy defaults to be set later
pop di ; restore registers
pop si ;
jmp short next_value; get next parameter (if any)
a_T?: cmp cl,'T' ; is it a "T"?
jne an_X? ; no, check for an "X"
mov exclude,1 ; set the exclude flag
mov txt_exclude,1 ; set the text flag, only txt trapped
inc switch_set ; note that switch set
jmp next_value ; continue till command parsed
an_X?: cmp cl,'X' ; is it an "X"?
IF LP_Version_2A
jne a_B? ; no, check for a "B"
jne a_period? ; no, is it a period?
ENDIF ; IF LP_Version_2A
mov exclude,0 ; reset exclude flag: others can set
mov txt_exclude,0 ; reset text exclude flag
inc switch_set ; note that switch set
jmp next_value ; continue till command parsed
IF LP_Version_2A
a_B?: cmp cl, 'B' ; Is it a "B"?
jne a_U? ; No, check for a "U"
inc set_switch ; indicate a palette reg is to be set
cmp byte ptr [si],'+'
; Set blinking on?
je request_blinking_on
; Yes
cmp byte ptr [si],'-'
; Set blinking off
je request_blinking_off
; Yes
cmp blink_value,blink_on
; Must want to switch
jz request_blinking_off_1
jmp short request_blinking_on_1
inc si ; Pass "+" on command line
mov blink_value, blink_on
jmp next_value ; Get next parameter (if any)
inc si ; Pass "-" on command line
mov blink_value, blink_off
jmp next_value ; Get next parameter (if any)
a_U?: cmp cl, 'U' ; Is it a "U"?
jne a_period? ; no, is it a period?
inc set_switch ; indicate a palette reg is to be set
cmp byte ptr [si],'+'
; Set underlining on?
je request_underlining_on
; Yes
cmp byte ptr [si],'-'
; Set underlining off
je request_underlining_off
; Yes
cmp byte ptr [si],'0'
; Check for decimal digit to start
; underline row
jb underline_switch_request
cmp byte ptr [si],'9'
ja underline_switch_request
lodsb ; First digit => AL
; Increment SI
call decimal_number ; Set the underline row in AL
; Point SI at the following
; character
mov underline_line,al
jmp next_value ; Get next parameter (if any)
cmp es:underline_line,no_underline_row
jz request_underlining_on_1
jmp short request_underlining_off_1
inc si ; Pass "+" on command line
push ds
assume ds:BIOS_seg
mov ax,BIOS_seg
mov ds,ax
mov ax,points ; Number of lines in a character
assume ds:nothing
pop ds
dec ax ; Line number of last line
mov underline_line, al
; Underline at last line
jmp next_value ; Get next parameter (if any)
inc si ; Pass "-" on command line
mov underline_line, no_underline_row
jmp next_value ; Get next parameter (if any)
ENDIF ; IF LP_Version_2A
a_period?: cmp al,'.' ; a period?
jne a_space? ; no, should be whitespace or octal num
IFE LP_Version_2A
call store_num ; store octal num in bh:bl as attribute
ENDIF ; IFE LP_Version_2A
inc di ; a period says we skip one
jmp next_value ; continue till command parsed
a_space?: cmp al,' ' ; a space?
jne a_tab? ; no, is it a tab?
IFE LP_Version_2A
call store_num ; store octal num in bh:bl as attribute
ENDIF ; IFE LP_Version_2A
jmp next_value ; continue till command parsed
a_tab?: cmp al,9 ; a tab?
jne a_digit? ; no, an octal digit?
IFE LP_Version_2A
call store_num ; store octal num in bh:bl as attribute
ENDIF ; IFE LP_Version_2A
jmp next_value ; continue till command parsed
a_digit?: cmp al,'0' ; is it ASCII zero or greater?
IF LP_Version_2A
jae decimal_digit?
jae octal_digit? ; yes, test if octal digit
ENDIF ; IF LP_Version_2A
mov dx,of syntax_msg; address syntax message
jmp error ; no, must be a syntax error
IF LP_Version_2A
decimal_digit?: cmp al,'9' ; is it 9 or less?
jbe is_decimal ; yes, convert to binary
octal_digit?: cmp al,'7' ; is it 7 or less?
jbe is_octal ; yes, convert to binary
ENDIF ; IF LP_Version_2A
mov dx,of syntax_msg; address syntax message
jmp error ; no, must be a syntax error
IF LP_Version_2A
is_decimal: call decimal_number ; Set the palette value in AL
; Point SI at the following
; character
cmp di,of old_int_10; if 16 attributes stored, then no more
jne store_it
jmp next_value
store_it: inc set_switch ; indicate a palette reg is to be set
is_octal: sub al,'0' ; make it binary
call do_digit ; place in bh or bl or store number
ENDIF ; IF LP_Version_2A
jmp next_value ; continue till command parsed
IF LP_Version_2A
parse_done: cmp resident_ES,0 ; detect presence of prior load as TSR
parse_done: call TSR_detect ; detect presence of prior load as TSR
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
jz not_here ; ZF set on return => no prior load
IF LP_Version_2A
mov es,resident_ES ; Segment of resident version
mov al,palet_off ; Always reset disable flag
mov es:palet_off,al
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
cmp set_switch,0 ; has palette registers to set changed?
je no_set ; no, don't copy to resident part
IF LP_Version_2A
mov si,start_of_EGA_settings
; transfer new values to our resident
mov di,si ; TSR routine
mov cx,length_of_EGA_settings
mov si,of set_values; transfer new values to our resident
mov di,si ; TSR routine
mov cx,16
ENDIF ;LP_Version_2A
rep movsb
no_set: call set_palette ; set palette registers as requested
cmp switch_set,0 ; check for switch setting change
je terminate ; don't change switches--none entered
mov al,exclude ; get exclude flag
mov es:exclude,al ; and place in TSR
mov al,txt_exclude ; get text only exclude flag
mov es:txt_exclude,al ; and place it in TSR
terminate: call tell_switch ; tell user which switches are set
mov ax,4c00h ; terminate with error level 0
int 21h
IF LP_Version_2A
not_here: mov ax,cs ; reset es to our data
mov es,ax
ENDIF ; LP_Version_2A
call set_palette ; set palette registers as requested
mov ax,3510h ; get current int 10h address
int 21h
mov old_int_10,bx ; store offset of current int 10h
mov old_int_10+2,es ; store segment of current int 10h
mov dx,of new_int_10; address our spliced-in routine
mov ax,2510h ; tell DOS to use our int 10h routine
int 21h
mov dx,of error ; address first byte we can throw away
add dx,0fh ; compute number of paragraphs to save
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
mov ax,3100h ; make a TSR with error code 0
int 21h
code ends
end begin